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We offer consulting on collective intelligence tools and processes:

  1. Develop a Collective Intelligence strategy
  2. Evaluate which tools are the most appropriate for your needs
  3. Assistance with tool usage
  4. Technical setup of some of those tools (e.g. FederatedWiki)

If you choose to use IdeaLoom, Conversence offers the following specialized services:

  1. Hosting of your conversation on its servers
  2. Basic branding of your conversation
  3. Initial concept mapping of your conversation topic
  4. Ongoing concept mapping of emerging topics in your conversation
  5. Community management and moderation
  6. Installation of IdeaLoom on your servers
  7. Customization of IdeaLoom for your specific needs

If you want to use IdeaLoom on your own, you can install it on your own servers, using your own methodology for concept map creation; you can do so with a docker image or from source, using these instructions. But we have developed an expertise in concept mapping, and we would love to use it to help you bring your discussion forward.

Beyond that, we offer development service to bring the platform forward and tailor it to your specific needs.