Marc-Antoine Parent
November 19, 2020
Semiotic triangle: The symbols (text, speech, icons…) refer to both an object “out there” (usually) and to the mental concepts of that object in the mind of each party to the communication act.
Anything we ever talk about is a topic. When we do computer models of topics (more symbols), obviously they are neither the object nor the concepts; but by making our topic modelling more and more formal, we attempt to disambiguate denotation and get ever-closer to the concept.
We will focus on linguistic text literals as primary symbols; even when analyzing audio/video feeds, we tend to go through a textual transcript. Most words or phrases are polysemic and subject to many interpretations. (Words have many definitions in a dictionary.) To reflect that, we will have a many-to-many relation between those text literals and the topic representation.
Topic "*" -> "*" TextLiteral : < expresses
TextLiteral : value
TextLiteral : language
Topic : id
Topic "*" --> "*" TextLiteral : < expresses
Topic <|-- TopicLiteral
TopicLiteral : value
TopicLiteral <|-- TextLiteral
TextLiteral : language
Topic : id
TopicLiteral : type
Topic "*" --> "*" TextLiteral : < expresses
Topic <|-- TopicLiteral
TopicLiteral : value
TopicLiteral <|-- TextLiteral
TextLiteral : language
Topic : id
TopicLiteral : type
Topic "1?" --> "1/l" TextLiteral : < represents
Since anything can be a topic of conversation (anything can be a subject of a claim), all topics have to be addressable in the same namespace. In other words, there must be a unified addressing space for every entity discussed below. It should be understood that they’re all topics in one way or another.
Topic : id
Topic <|-- TextLiteral
Topic <|-- Claim
Topic <|-- Argument
Topic <|-- Entity
Claim: Something that can be assigned a truth value by someone.
Note: for a very lenient definition of truth value, that could allow probabilistic, modal, and other models of truth valuation.
class Claim
A claim may be equivalent to another claim except for the truth value. Eg:
The core claim is the same; those form a claim family. Assessing that a claim belongs to a claim family may take some observation. There is an element of arbitrariness in deciding which claim is the core claim.
Claim "1" <--o ClaimLink : < canonical
Claim "1" <--o ClaimLink : < derived
ClaimLink : truth_value
We can think of what is common to all members of the family as truth-value-less (what Rönnbäck called a Posit) but there is no loss of generality in assuming that it is equivalent to the claim bearing the true
truth value, which I will designate as canonical.
We could include the truth value in the claim itself, but since the family “structure” may come later than claim identification, I propose encoding it into the link between family members. The claim family is thus represented implicitly by the collection of those links centered on the canonical claim.
The alternative would be to model the claim family explicitly; the disadvantage is it may require assigning a truth value to the claim after it has been created, introducing mutability.
ClaimFamily o--> "1" Claim : > canonical
ClaimFamily o--> "*" Claim : > derived
Claim : truth_value
Argument: entailment link between claims. Only applies to one “truth configuration” of the claims.
Claim : type
Argument o--> "1" Claim : > conclusion
Argument o--> "*" Claim : > premises
Arguments that have the same underlying set of claims with different truth values are different rows of the same truth table.
Eg: A & !B -> C !A & B -> !C
object argument1
object argument2
object premise1
object premise2
object conclusion1
object derived_claim1
object derived_claim2
object derived_claim3
object premise1neg
object premise2neg
object conclusion1neg
object argument_set
argument1 --> premise1 : > premise
argument1 --> premise2neg : > premise
argument1 --> conclusion1 : > conclusion
argument2 --> premise1neg : > premise
argument2 --> premise2 : > premise
argument2 --> conclusion1neg : > conclusion
conclusion1 <-- derived_claim1 : < canonical
premise1neg <-- derived_claim1 : < derived
premise2 <-- derived_claim2 : < canonical
premise2neg <-- derived_claim2 : < derived
conclusion1 <-- derived_claim3 : < canonical
conclusion1neg <-- derived_claim3 : < derived
derived_claim1 : false
derived_claim2 : false
derived_claim3 : false
argument_set --> argument1
argument_set --> argument2
Entities: what is the claim about? What is it claiming?
Entities allow to group claims; also claim generalization is grounded in entity taxonomy.
Claim : type
Claim o--> "*" Entity
Claim "1" <--o ClaimLink : < canonical
Claim "1" <--o ClaimLink : < derived
ClaimLink : truth_value
ClaimLink : type
ClaimLink <--o Distinguo : < discriminant
Entity "1" <--o Distinguo : < canonical
Entity "1" <--o Distinguo : < derived
An argument about an argument: saying it is well-founded because (a claim)
A claim with unbound variables. (Probably for much later.)
Document <-- "*" Quote
Quote : position
Document <|-- Conversation
Quote -> "1" TextLiteral
TextLiteral : value
TextLiteral : language
Document : id
Document : url
Topic <|-- Association
Topic : id
Topic : type
Topic "*" <--o "1" Association
Association : type
(Topic, Association) . Casting
Casting : role
Topic *--> "*" Property
Property : type
Property : literal
Topic <|-- Association
Topic <|-- Type
Topic : id
Topic --> Type
Topic "*" <--o "1" Association
Association --> Type
(Topic, Association) . Casting
Casting --> Type
Topic *--> "*" Property
Property --> Type
Property : literal
hide circle
Resource : URI
Triple : Resource subject
Triple : Resource predicate
Triple : Resource|Literal object
Resource "1" <--o Triple : < subject
Resource "0..1" <--o Triple : < object
Literal "0..1" <--o Triple : < object
Resource "1" <--o Triple : < predicate
Literal : data
Literal : Resource type
Literal : string language
hide circle
Resource : URI
Triple : Resource subject
Triple : Resource predicate
Triple : Resource|Literal object
Resource "1" <--o Triple : < subject
Resource "0..1" <--o Triple : < object
Literal "0..1" <--o Triple : < object
Resource "1" <--o Triple : < predicate
Literal : data
Literal : Resource type
Literal : string language
Topic : id
Topic <|-- Literal
Topic <|-- Type
Literal : value
Topic <|-- Binding
Topic <-- Binding : < subject
Topic <-- Binding : < object
Type <-- Binding : < predicate
Topic <|-- Association
Binding <|-- Casting
Association <-- Casting : < subject
Binding <|-- Property
Literal <-- Property : < object
hide Property
hide Casting
hide Association
Topic : id
Topic <|-- Literal
Topic <|-- Type
Literal : value
Topic <|-- Binding
Topic <-- Binding : < subject
Topic <-- Binding : < object
Type <-- Binding : < predicate
Topic <|-- Association
Binding <|-- Casting
Association <-- Casting : < subject
Binding <|-- Property
Literal <-- Property : < object
Topic : id
Topic <|-- Literal
Topic <|-- Type
Literal : value
Topic <|-- Binding
Topic <-- Binding : < subject
Topic <-- Binding : < object
Type <-- Binding : < predicate
Topic <|-- Collection
Topic "*" <-- Collection
interface Topic
Topic : id
interface Association
Topic <|-- Type
Topic <|-- Association
interface Collection
Association <|-- Collection
' An association is like a reified object property
Association "1" *--> "1..*" Binding : < association
Topic <--o Binding : < object
Literal : hash
Literal : value
Literal : type
Literal <|-- TextLiteral
TextLiteral : hash
TextLiteral "0..1/lang" <--o "1" Topic : < canonical
Topic "*" --> "*" TextLiteral : < represents
(Topic, TextLiteral) . Representation
Representation : topic_id
Representation : text_hash
Entity <|-- Agent
Topic <|-- Entity
Topic <|-- Binding
Association <|-- Claim
Topic "*" <--o Association
Collection <|-- CompositeClaim
CompositeClaim o--> "*" Claim
Association <|-- ClaimLink
Claim "1" <--o ClaimLink : < canonical
Claim "1" <--o ClaimLink : < derived
ClaimLink : truth_value
ClaimLink : type
Claim <|-- Argument
Claim "1" <--o Argument : < conclusion
Claim "*" <--o Argument : < premise
ClaimLink <--o Distinguo : < discriminant
Entity "1" <--o Distinguo : < canonical
Entity "1" <--o Distinguo : < derived
'(Agent, Claim) . Vote
Vote : truth_value
hide Vote
hide Agent